Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Is Due For A Daredevil Crossover

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were heavily influenced by Daredevil. It’s time for reptile heroes to repay their favor with an inter-generational crossover.

There have been numerous crossovers between the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and other franchises over the years. The TMNT has been involved in numerous interactions with other franchises, ranging from regular interactions with Stan Sakai’s Usagi Yojimbo universe and special events featuring superheroes like Batman. But, there’s one crossover that could bring the reptile Ninjas to their feet and help them return to their comic-book origins.

Daredevil is an individual character Heroes in a Half Shell will meet. It would be an appropriate tribute to the Marvel superhero who served as an inspiration to the characters. A variety of characters and locations from Daredevil’s universe would be compatible together with the Turtles’. The shared similarities between the two could be a fantastic method to highlight the similarities between the two properties and also highlight the distinctions.

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New York’s TMNT is the perfect foil for Daredevil’s Hell’s Kitchen

Both Daredevil as well as TMNT are ninja-like heroes that originate from New York City, in settings that incorporate science fiction and fantasy elements. They have a common ancestor that involves exposure to radioactive materials and learning with mentors named after sticks. The Foot Clan and Hand, respectively, are the primary antagonists for both. A meeting between the heroes might lead to an antagonistic team-up that would draw attention to the distinctions between them. This could be particularly problematic because the Hand and Foot would benefit from one another’s interest in technology and dark magic.

There could be a lot of wonderful characters and their interactions when the Turtles and Daredevil could come to a common understanding. Daredevil is a character who lives in a world filled with mutants and the amazing, so combining his character with four mutants isn’t an issue. Matt Murdock has defended unusual characters such as Spider-Man and Hulk before the courts. The Turtles had a buddy blind in the 2012 animated series, embracing the blind friend was a no-brainer for the two characters. Since they share experiences fighting evil ninjas it would be thrilling to team up with the heroes. The two could get together to look into their adversaries’ crimes. This could also be an excellent opportunity to evaluate the styles of mentorship between the fatherly Splinters and the more brutal Sticks.

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The TMNT crossing with Daredevil is a tribute to their origins

Daredevil and TMNT could join forces to tell a thrilling story. They could also share the privilege of revisiting Turtles’ origins in comics. When they came up with Mirage, Peter Laird and Kevin Eastman were greatly inspired by Daredevil. A lot of the common features among the franchises stem from this, such as the arch adversaries and mentor characters. But the most significant connection is the one that involves canisters getting involved in an accident. The Turtle’s origins are very like Daredevil’s origin incident, which involved a blind man walking across the path of a pedestrian.

There’s no reason why Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles or Daredevil could not meet their requirements. Both franchises have enough in common to create a compelling crossover. It could also enable the Turtles to be in touch with their source of inspiration. It will show how far the TMNT have advanced as a whole and how they can now stand on their own, the history of Marvel’s superhero.

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